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Learn more about the Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) Crop Insurance Policy for 2025



The Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) crop insurance product for the 2025 crop season for non-irrigated corn is available in all counties in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. PACE is designed for corn producers who are looking to strategically apply nitrogen. It will provide supplemental coverage when a producer plans on split-applying nitrogen but is prevented due to field conditions caused by adverse weather. It gives farmers the opportunity to use split-apply to increase efficiency, decrease nitrogen runoff, and maximize their financial investment.


New! PACE is now available where non-irrigated corn is insurable in all counties of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and South Dakota. RMA will further expand eligibility over the next four years.


According to USDA, you must: 

  • Have an underlying insurance policy of Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, or Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion with coverage at the additional coverage level;
  • Use a split-application of nitrogen practice;
  • Have documentation supporting the purchase of nitrogen for the split-application of nitrogen practice;
  • Record on the PACE acreage report:
    • The acreage on which a split application of nitrogen practice was intended; and,
    • The acreage on which the pre-application of nitrogen was actually applied.
  • Have been physically prevented from applying the post-application of nitrogen during the insurance period due to weather and field conditions to make a claim.

For more information from USDA on eligibility criteria, click here.


Please call your insurance agent to learn more about PACE and how to buy it. You may find a list of crop insurance agents at all USDA service centers and on the RMA website here: Agent Locator | RMA (

For a more technical video explanation of PACE provided by the University of Illinois farmdoc program, please click here.